As a student who has been home for a few weeks due to the ongoing labour action by the Academics Staff Union of Universities, I have seen my screen time increase astronomically. This might not look like a mind blowing fact because it is prevalent among the student population. The reason for this cannot be far-fetched.

As a student who is trying to improve his personal skills by learning an high in demand skill, reading a lot of books, trying to improve my English, improve on writing, getting updated with the current societal trends, connecting with friends from school through social media and following trends. The list as to why my screen time has increased astronomically, can go on and on and on.

The eyes, which is one of many organs we have in the body helps in aiding vision. Without the eyes most of our daily actions are limited a great deal. I am more of a night person because I find it easier and faster to perform some of my scheduled duties. Reason for mentioning this may be awkward to you, and yes it is. I remember waking up around 1am at night, using my mobile till 6am. When calculated mathematically, that is 5 hours of screen time and it was non-stop. 

It baffled me how much blue light, I had bombarded my eyes with for those hours especially, in the dark without any other light in my bedroom. Recently, I was diagnosed with mild hyperopia and photophobia. I got reading glasses anyway, yet it felt like I was doing my eye a lot of damage.

Through this little experience I had, I kind of applied it to life. As human beings we undergo a lot of stress, tension, pain, consumption of very harmful substances. We get sick, we go to the hospital, see the doctor, get diagnosed, and we are recommended drugs that will cure or abate the symptoms we feel at that particular moment. It should be known also, that not all diseases are curable, for example diabetes. For some they have to take drugs for the rest of their lives.
In getting the daily bread, we engage in rigorous tasks most of which are life threatening, yet we continue in other to ensure survival.

The eyes also is exposed to a lot of these risks. Despite these it tries its best to ensure clear vision, we get it injured, and then we use drugs and eventually glasses to abate or correct this defect.
As humans who have to survive, this is a very key lesson for us, urging us to keep trying, never to stop the hustle and continue grinding. It might not be rosy all the time, more reason we have to stay strong and be steadfast.

We should also ensure to take care of ourselves for health they say is wealth. Once in a while take a break, clear your head by going for a vacation. Sleep is one of the easiest way to relax. Unlike like going for a vacation sleeping is only an act of will which does not involve financial costs. 

So today, be resilient like the eyes, work hard and ensure adequate rest whilst still balancing out life challenges. Take care!


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