
Indigestion is somewhat a form of discomfort which is mainly felt in the digestive system. It is a condition whereby there is difficulty in digestion of food.

Food that we consume as humans are meant to be digested so as to give the energy needed to the body, and afterwards the waste products generated is excreted in form of faeces, urine or sweat.

Inadequate or indigestion of food consumed can lead to conditions like constipation, which is a symptom of intestinal obstruction whereby there is difficulty in excretion.

One of the important factors that aids digestion is adequate intake of water. It is essential to take adequate quantity of water before and after eating so as to aid digestion.

Water intake before eating, especially after hours without eating is a way of alerting and preparing the digestive system for digestion. With this, digestion is made easier and excretion is done at ease.

Another important thing that aids digestion is taking fruits. One of the benefits of taking fruits is that it aids digestion. Fruits like orange, watermelon and cucumber are of great benefits to our health. 

We all should make it an habit from today, taking of water before and after eating. Also, we should take at least a fruit in a day for a start, and if possible take fruits after each meal.

Please take note that some fruits are not healthy to the digestive system when mixed or eaten at the same time, a fruit at a time is advisable, to be on a safe side.

Stay safe.

Bakare Khadijat


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