Life has its perks; ups and downs. Sometime it goes spiralling, and sometimes it comes bubbling with energy but here is a letter to self because it shouldn't forget .
You are beautiful the way you are, although you are not perfect. 
You have your flaws, sure. But you are wonderful beyond measure. And most importantly, you are loved. 

Be grateful for what was, what has been and what will be. One thing you shouldn't forget is gratitude. Love yourself for who you are. Accept your mistakes because they are what can either make or break you. 

Always remember that nobody is perfect. Don't strive for perfection rather ensure you find your purpose. Dear self, here is my questions for you;

Why are you alive today ?
What push you through each day? 
What motivate you? 
What are you striving for? 
Why are you doing what you are currently doing? Are you happy? Are you fulfilled? 

And finally is it all worths it ? 

These questions needs to be answered in order to discover the real you. You can always take yourself on a journey of self discovery because discovering the real you matters. 

That way you can impact yourself, those around you, and finally, you can accept yourself for who you are. The journey to self discovery may be exhilarating but it will all be worth it at the end. 

@belle ISIAQ 
ISIAKA Mariam 


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