The Twist of Life

Yesterday I had the opportunity to be in the OR.
And the surgery that was to be done was the reconstruction of the face after fracture and distortions 2° to RTA (road traffic accident).
And in the course of the surgery, we were shown what the woman's face looked like before the RTA happened and it became a very disheartening moment because the face on the operating table is a shadow of the beautiful face we were seeing in the picture.

And it just got me thinking about how unfair life could be and the fact that it could have been any of us.
You won't appreciate this gift called life until you experience someone passing away in your presence.

At that point I just had to acknowledge the twist and irony of this life, one day a person is hale and hearty, the next the person is no more or on a sickbed and then you begin to wonder is this still the same person or not.

The truth is, we can only pray for long life, none of us knows when our time here would be over.
Hence it behoves us to make each day count, to rise to that assignment you have been called to, to break every limitation holding you back and go ahead and function in the full capacity of your calling. Maximize this gift of life you have been endowed with while it lasts.

Remember you got to live a life of relevance, why not make this life count today?

Adefila Charity


  1. I will rise up and make my life count

  2. Hmmmmm! Life truly happens…maximizing this life while it last is key!!!

  3. Great content for food for thought. Kudos to the Writer.

  4. God will continue to be guiding us all aright in every moment of our lives. Kudos to you ma

  5. Hmmm, Word. Make the life count . God will help us. Thanks for this piece.


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