Many at times we judge people base on the standards of the society and what doesn't go down well with us and on the same spot declare them bad. Naturally all humans are born with instincts which is pure but getting to the society, you find out what is right or wrong and what is right in your town already a wrong in another. The character of man when they start manifesting is termed either good or bad or people being termed as bad.

When you loose touch with the reality of your action, you ultimately become a bad person. But in your mind, you see pictures of what you plan to achieve and they blind you from that reality. What exactly is the reality of the world? Is it to do good alone?. 

In all honesty, no one is bad or born bad, everyone in his or her own way is trying to change a narration by doing what they so thought is right unknown to them that they're already taking extreme measures.

The mind is powerful at the same time like a programmable robot, it can turn on you, it's like a cage even your eyes become blind once the mind takes over hence the word *Love is Blind*.

Now do we have the liberty to term people as being bad? and even when there is propaganda against them?. Human as well as animals are bound by the nature at which they are created which is a mixture of both good and bad. Now the question is:

Is Adolf Hitler
    Saadam Hussein
    Muammar Gaddafi
    Joseph Stalin
    Pablo Escobar all bad people or behaved badly due to the opposite of the norms of the society which they behaved against?

Note, these people were once world leaders but termed as either cruel, mean, heartless or wicked but in the same vein this same people actually had a reason for which they turned out to be bad but they lost touch with the reality of their action and ultimately became bad. They had plans on what they wanted to do but taking extreme measures to actualize their dreams. It is not about glorifying evil but drawing a clear line between being bad and behaving badly.

There's never been a bad creation not even a robot because the mind is still innocent until it is put into full use just like a riffle sitting calmly in its Arsenal and looking beautiful until it is being loaded with bullets and shot! 

The beauty of all creation is to actualize the essence of their creation which is primarily to be good. 

 No one is bad or created bad, they only behaved badly.
 ðŸ”± *M.B.K* 🔱


  1. A beautiful writeup, looking into the human mind and understanding the nature that comes with it.


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