
Indeed we now live in a world where vice is a norm and seeing people's tears is nothing to worry about. The pain people go about with daily without anybody to pour out to is a concern to think if humanity actually exists. 
I once said Religion and Humanity is totally different because you can be religious and still be cruel and heartless. You can be a devout worshipper of God and still not being humane but others argue that strong religion will give you the best version of humanity. Overtime, I've been an advocate of humanity is the best religion ever but then, must everyone abandon their instincts to become truly human and humane? 

There is a virus of cruelty and wickedness ravaging the human world making the love of humanity just a mirage but sad to say there is no more hope because it is like every sin became concentrated and entered the human body. Even if we can conquer this virus, a world in which humanity rule may never return. 

Can we actually believe people are beautiful after seeing them turn into the absolute worst beings? But the moment we're consumed by arrogance and believe we can defeat this virus, then mankind will become extinct. It is natural of a scorpion to sting, a snake to bite, and probably a dog to chase or attack but human is an embodiment of all. So humanity is one character that humans possess that make them totally distinct from animals. 

A beggar is one of the most valuable possessions of human. How can we live in an environment where the first priority to a mayhem is mobiles and media neglecting the principal instinct of RESCUE?, how can a response to a distress call by a fellow human be welcome with nonchalance and  slander forgetting the principal duty of human to HELP?. 

The moment we stop trading humanity for hypocrisy is when we can actually defeat the virus and see a world where humanity rule returns. It takes nothing for humans to be MBK because in the real sense, all religions including Buddhism and all others too numerous to mention all preach humanity. Maybe the moment we know MBK means 


Then we actually have a cause to celebrate the glorious return of humanity to our world. 

I am 🔱MBK🔱


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